Malajs Ada Rafyka
FOR SALE: $6500
Born 2018
Skills / Discipline Potential:
All Around, Athletic, Endurance, Foundation, Homozygous Black, Native Costume, Natural Horsemanship Training, Performance, Project, Show, Trail Riding, Trail Class Competition, Western Dressage, Western Pleasure
Raffy is so in your pocket, she makes chores twice as long, but twice as fun. She loves to be near you, see what you're doing, what the neighbor is doing, and loves attention and giving kisses. She is, however, an alpha mare - she will be top mare in any group and the only one she lets push her around is her friend Malika. Raffy is Egyptian related - her sire was Straight Egyptian (featured in our Past Sales page) and her mom is an Al Khamsa Arabian (listed under Mares as Bint Zaniah). She's been exposed to a Sabino Perlino part bred Arabian stallion (a fence went down), however she is not a fan of him and possibly didn't let him close enough to do anything - pregnancy is pending vet exam. 30 days saddle training can be added if price is paid up front.